Saturday, November 7, 2015

Great Visit from an Original Student of Karl Godwin

Germain, Jon, Mike, Zach and Ron at Wing Chun Dallas
We had a special guest this weekend Jon McCollum, an original student of Karl Godwin, came down to train hard with us. So glad you could make it down to train. Welcome to the school!

Good Times with Kung Fu

Zach Goddard and Jon McCollum training Chi Sao
Zach and Jon exchanging attacks from Chi Sao
Michael Herrera and Germain Estrada  doing Chi Sao
Mike and Jon training Chi Sao
For an introduction to the art of Wing Chun Kung Fu please visit us and discover first hand what makes this school special.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Weapons Wednesday

Weapons Wednesday started as a simple idea and has slowly grown into a really fun time full of great Kung fu.  There are so many benefits Wing Chun weapons training gives to the development of empty hand skill it's not necessary to wait months or years.  Students at Wing Chun Dallas Kung Fu are given the opportunity to begin practicing weapon exercises and drills very early in their training which is a unique approach to the art.  Their are so many layers of skill development possible through various training methods students at any level can benefit. For more information please visit our website Wing Chun Dallas Kung Fu or just visit our school location in Garland Texas.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Importance of Timing in Wing Chun

The Wing Chun system uses unique training methods to refine various types of relative motion. For this reason it is important to create a training environment that allows students the opportunity to refine qualities of motion such as controlled tempo during practice. Students of the art experience the importance of moving with defined purpose during every exchange of every training session. The only way to appreciate the method or gain skill and insight is through focused practice and repetition. Words alone can never deliver skill into your hands. Here at Wing Chun Dallas Kung Fu we specialize in training methods designed to create and refine skill through unique methods of the art. For more information or an introductory experience please visit our school conveniently located in the LBJ shopping in Garland Texas.